Collaboration Quiz

  • The video talks about peer programming which is when one person watches the other code for a few minutes then the roles switch
  • Communication is a key factor to collaboration
  • Discussions are important with other team members to achieve success
  • Need to give credit to the place you got your information from
  • When working together as a group, all of your perspectives will come together to make your project

Program Functions and Purpose Quiz

  • Essential Questions
  • Why Does Computing Innovations Exist?
  • What problems oes computing innovation solve?
  • What does the computing innovation allow us to do that we could not before?

  • Allows for a more efficient way of problem solving
  • A program is a combination of statements to solve something
  • Program inputs are pieces of data that a program uses to solve problems related to the data
  • The biggest challenge was trying to figure out the differences between the different options that were available to be selected since they were all having similar answers that have to do with the functions

Program Design and Development Quiz

  • Learning Objectives
  • Develop a program using a development process
  • Design a program and its user interface

  • This process needs to have revisions that are based on feedback from testing
  • Important to cite where you get the lines of code from or when you worked on it with others
  • Each member that has worked on the program needs to be credited in the program

Identifying and Correcting Errors Quiz

  • Learning Objectives
  • For errors in an algorithm or program:
    1. Identify the error
    2. Effective ways to find an error
    • Test cases
    • Hand tracing
    • Visualization
    • Debuggers
    • Adding extra output statements
      1. Identify inputs and corresponding expected outputs or behaviors that can be used to check he correctness of an algorithm or program

The Internet

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about how computing devices work together in a network
    • Computing device is a physical thing that can run a program
    • Computing system is a group of computing devices and programs working together for a common goal
    • Computer network is a group of interconnected computing devices capable of sending or receiving data
    • Computer network is a type of computing system
    • A path between two computing devices on a computer network is a sequence of directly connected computing devices that begins at the sender and end with the receiver