Hack #1

  • Create an idea for a simulation and describe it (you don’t actually have to code it just think about/answer the guiding questions).
  • An idea for a simulation is to simulate the water on the beach to determine if it is safe for humans to go in the water.

Hack #2 (collegeboard based questions)

  • Simulations Quiz (either screenshot or paste quiz in your notebook):
questions_number = 6
answers_correct = 0
questions = [
    "True or False: Simulations will always have the same result. \n A: True, \n B: False",
    "True or False: A simulation has results that are more accurate than an experiment \n A: True, \n B: False",
    "True or False: A simulation can model real world events that are not practical for experiments \n A: True, \n B: False",
    "Which one of these is FALSE regarding simulations \n A: Reduces Costs, \n B: Is safer than real life experiments, \n C: More Efficient, \n D: More accurate than real life experiments",
    "Which of the following scenarios would be the LEAST beneficial to have as a simulation \n A: A retail company wants to identify the item which sold the most on their website, \n B: A restaurant wants to determine if the use of robots will increase efficiency, \n C: An insurance company wants to study the impact of rain on car accidents, \n D: A sports car company wants to study design changes to their new bike design ",
    "Which of the following is better to do as a simulation than as a calculation \n A: Keeping score at a basketball game, \n B: Keeping track of how many games a person has won, \n C: Determining the average grade for a group of tests, \n D: Studying the impact of carbon emissions on the environment"
question_answers = [

print("Welcome to the Simulations Quiz!")

def ask_question (question, answer):
    print("\n", question)
    user_answer = input(question)
    print("You said: ", user_answer)

    if user_answer == answer:
        global answers_correct
        answers_correct = answers_correct + 1
        print("You are incorrect")
for num in range(questions_number):
    ask_question(questions[num], question_answers[num])

print("You scored: ", answers_correct, "/6")
Welcome to the Simulations Quiz!

 True or False: Simulations will always have the same result. 
 A: True, 
 B: False
You said:  B

 True or False: A simulation has results that are more accurate than an experiment 
 A: True, 
 B: False
You said:  B

 True or False: A simulation can model real world events that are not practical for experiments 
 A: True, 
 B: False
You said:  A

 Which one of these is FALSE regarding simulations 
 A: Reduces Costs, 
 B: Is safer than real life experiments, 
 C: More Efficient, 
 D: More accurate than real life experiments
You said:  D

 Which of the following scenarios would be the LEAST beneficial to have as a simulation 
 A: A retail company wants to identify the item which sold the most on their website, 
 B: A restaurant wants to determine if the use of robots will increase efficiency, 
 C: An insurance company wants to study the impact of rain on car accidents, 
 D: A sports car company wants to study design changes to their new bike design 
You said:  A

 Which of the following is better to do as a simulation than as a calculation 
 A: Keeping score at a basketball game, 
 B: Keeping track of how many games a person has won, 
 C: Determining the average grade for a group of tests, 
 D: Studying the impact of carbon emissions on the environment
You said:  D
You scored:  6 /6

Hack #3

  • Describe the rolling dice simulation (answer guiding questions)
  1. The algorithm first asks you to input a number 1-6, which would represent how many dice are going to be rolled. Then in the code it pulls the amount of random numbers based on how many dice there are.

Hack #4

  • Add a feature onto the rolling dice simulation above
    • ex: a 14-sided dice or expand the purpose of the simulation (hint: use conditionals to make dice part of a game/real life situation)
def parse_input(input_string):
    if input_string.strip() in {"1", "2", "3","4", "5", "6"}:
        return int(input_string)
        print("Please enter a number from 1 to 6.")
        raise SystemExit(1)

import random

def roll_dice(num_dice):
    roll_results = []
    for _ in range(num_dice):
        roll = random.randint(1, 10)
    return roll_results

num_dice_input = input("How many dice do you want to roll? [1-6] ")
num_dice = parse_input(num_dice_input)
roll_results = roll_dice(num_dice)

print("you rolled:", roll_results) 
you rolled: [3, 9, 1, 9, 6]
  • It will now roll dices that have 10 sides.